Freedom of Information Act Requests (FOIA)
FOIA requests are processed by the Chief of Police and his/her designee for police-related issues and processed by the Village Manager for other general government related issues.
FOIA requests are processed by the Chief of Police and his/her designee for police-related issues and processed by the Village Manager for other general government related issues.
In order to submit a FOIA request, individuals may fill out the standard Village's FOIA Request Form listed below, by requesting it in person from the Clerk's office. Complete the form and submit it in person or to the email addresses listed above.
For information about the Village's FOIA processing policy and fees, please review the FOIA Procedures and Guidelines by reading FOIA Procedures Guidelines and Fees pdf below.
To review the public summary of the FOIA procedures, red the FOIA Public Summary pdf.
Further questions regarding the Village's FOIA policy can be directed to the Village Manager during regular business hours, which are 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. with the exception of recognized holidays.
Chief of Police
Village Manager
Dale Kerbyson
FOIA Documents
Open Meetings Act
Learn about the Michigan Open Meetings Act by reading the Michigan Open Meeting Act pdf.
The Village of Almont is not currently expending any funds or monies for lobbying services.
Grant Disclosure
The Village does not distribute grants of any kind to non-profit agencies or other entities.