Public Hearing
Tuesday, May 16 @ 7:25 pm
Municipal Building
817 N. Main Street, Almont, MI 48003
 The Village of Almont will hold a public hearing on the proposed Drinking Water project plan for the purpose of receiving comments from interested persons.
The hearing will be held at 7:25p.m. on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, at the Village of Almont offices located at 817 N. Main St., Almont, Michigan 48003.
The purpose of the proposed project will be to address the deficiencies as noted within the Village Capital Improvements Plan. These improvements include replacement of old, undersized water main that have excessive interior corrosion causing excessive water loss, tuberculation, poor pressure, and frequent breaks. Water main looping will also be incorporated to increase reliability and improve system pressures particularly at the school campus.
Impacts of the proposed project will be improving the water system reliability and eliminating the public health risks related to interior corrosion and lead service lines. Short term construction related impacts include increased noise and dust that will be temporary in nature during construction of the improvements.
The estimated cost to the users for the proposed project will be dependent upon final Project Scope, Project Costs, potential Grants and or Principal Forgiveness awards.
Copies of the plan detailing the proposed project are available for inspection at the Village of Almont offices located at 817 N. Main St., Almont, Michigan 48003.
Written comments received before the meeting record is closed on Tuesday May 16, 2023 will be included in the final project planning document. Written comments should be sent to the Village of Almont. Village of Almont mailing address is 817 N. Main St., Almont, Michigan 48003.