Police Department History
Department Phone (810) 798-8300
Department Fax (810) 798-2733
The Village of Almont was established in 1834. In the early years, the Town Marshall took care of all matters of law and received a salary of $150.00 per year. During that time Almont had its own jail and meeting minutes show that in 1884 the jail was advertised for sale. The jail was then mentioned again in 1878 when the council voted to have "some good locks installed." In 1878 the first constable was elected by the voters.
Contact an Officer by Email
If you would like to contact an officer, please utilize the e-mail links below.
Services & Information
Crime Tip
If you have information regarding a crime please contact Police Chief Daniel Willis.
Pistol Sales Permits
The Almont Police Department no longer provides fingerprinting or processing of Pistol Sales Permits. Fingerprinting, Concealed Weapon Permits, and Pistol Sales Permits can be processed at:
Lapeer County Sheriff's Office
3231 John Conley Dr.
Lapeer, MI 48446
Safe Medication Disposal

The Almont Police Department now has a Safe Medication Disposal Box.
Items Accepted:
Prescription Medications (Schedule II-V controlled & non-controlled substances)
Not Accepted:
Illegal Drugs
Lotions or Liquids
Aerosol Cans
Hydrogen Peroxide